
Thursday 2 March 2017

Youtube Stops 30 Second Ads Reflection - Akanesi

IALT: Reflect about Youtube Stops 30 Second Ads
Youtube has stopped 30 second ads that you can't skip and Adverts are a enormous part of Youtube and how the video owners make money just because of it. Youtube usually gives you the chance to skip it after five seconds but that didn't really happen that much because before you watch the video that you are wanting, you will have to watch a whole 30 second video before being able to get access to watching the Youtube video that you will be wanting. 

In my opinion, I will have to agree about how Youtube is cancelling 30 second ads because sometimes when I feel like watching a video that I want to watch, the 30 second ad comes up and I just get sick of it because how I don't want to watch that company add, I would rather want to watch the video that I will be getting relaxed with and how my stress goes away.

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