
Monday 26 February 2018


IALT: Reflect about Kiwisport!

Welcome back to my blog!

So for today's first block, The Kia Manawanui Syndicate had kiwisport. As you could obviously tell by my last kiwisport post, Our kiwisport for this term is...Tennis. Our instructor's name is Peter and He will be teaching us how to play Tennis for a couple of weeks.

Since last week - we've been practising how to hit the tennis ball with the tennis racket doing a forehand and it was pretty easy and fun also.

But today, we learnt how to hit with a backhand so first we just chucked the ball at our partners by using our backhand and the hand I was comfortable with was my right since I write with it.

Image result for Tennis

I worked with Aletheia since I most likely interact with her more and we both did a pretty good job. What I pretty much liked about this session was the rally when I had to verse Aletheia by trying to hit the tennis ball over the net into 3 cones but one at a time.

What I disliked about this session was that I couldn't really control the ball by like hitting it gently and hard (If you know what I mean) and as I kept hitting the ball over to my partner Aletheia - It went from gently hitting it to each other to hitting it hard but luckily we didn't hit over the fences.

What I've enjoyed about this lesson was getting to learn and play Tennis obviously and also learning new skills which will make my Neurons grow stronger in my brain.

Thanks for reading and comment your opinion!



  1. I like the added touch of the tennis balls on either side of the Kiwisport title Akanesi...nice!
    It is also effective and great to see you adding your culture into your greeting. This helps to tell your readers something about you.

    Next week, it would add effect to your post if you added some photos taken from our lesson. Seeing a personalised image helps your reader get a better idea of what you experienced.

    Great use of labels Akanesi!

    1. Thank you for your feedback, Ms Komor :-)
